Sogna Di Genova - Propeller CentreWell again painting is saved. I always marvel at the resurrections of my beloved art form. It has been said by many on many an occasion that the form is in its' coffin, we only need to drive the last nail to end its' reign. This resurrection takes place in the form of a multi-media approach to the painted surface. Sogna deftly applies fabric to the surface in a way reminiscent of the collage of the early cubists, with pre-cut shapes applied to almost define form, but still let our eyes do the thinking.
This series of multimedia paintings utilizes the figurative form, yet what I really see is not much of a departure, actually a lineage from Ms. Di Genovas' previous painted abstracts. I actually have one, purchased a few years ago at Gallery 1313. It is pure abstraction but reminds me of aerial photography, as does the elements of paint and fabric collage she applies to this collection of figures.
Subjectively they appear as dream woven figures, slightly disembodied, with curious objects around them, light bulbs, feathers and others, and I wonder about their necessity to the composition. They seem at times to cause me to wonder more about the dream and less about the pure and simple beauty of the figures.
Her skill as a painter I believe has certainly matured with this series. In discussion with one of the friends of the gallery, we determined that like any genre of art it is crucial that a lineage is followed almost genetically, and it appears as though Sogna has achieved this with elements of last century's modernists. So bravo Sogna on moving the form forward with a subtle look back.
Propeller Centre for the Visual Arts tel:416.504.7142 GALLERY HOURS: Wednesday - Saturday 12-6 pm Sunday 12-5 pm email: